What makes a good teacher?

The question of “what makes a good science teacher” is of paramount import to me, an aspiring science teacher. I’ve given this much thought, as I have high hopes to be the best science teacher I can possibly be. After a brief period of discussion and reflection, our group came up with many examples of traits that a “good science teacher” ought to have. Most of these suggestions, however, apply to the general notion of a high-quality teacher. What, specifically, makes a good science teacher, though? To me, some of the written traits start to hint towards it. Traits like “experimentation”, “inquisitive thinking”, and “allow students to discover learning rather than direct learning”. These traits can be summarized as “scientific”. It seems obvious after some thought, but it deserves highlighting. As important as it is to be taking students outdoors, to be open-minded, and to foster relationships… it takes a scientific approach to make the students really learn “science”.