Join me as I ponder course content and the mysteries of behavior
Category: <span>EDCI 336</span>

So What?

Learning about habits has been an exciting experience, and learning about the limitations of designing habits has been a humbling one. Undoubtedly, I need to refine my awareness of habits and the skills required to overwrite them. It has been difficult enough to work with habits for myself, let alone …


Being able to capture a video of your screen is an incredibly valuable tool, especially so for education. The use of computers has become a foundational tool for almost every field of work, and a necessary skill for navigating modern life. Screencastify is a simple screen capture web extension that …


The concept of using artificial intelligence to stitch a simulated face onto another, allowing one to don another’s identity, sounds like a fictional concept from a high-tech Lovecraftian horror. However, we find ourselves in a world where this is not only a serious concern, but a rapidly progressing reality. The …

The Habit Loop

So much of what we do is governed by subconscious interactions in our brains. While reading The Power of Habit, I’m becoming aware of so many actions left to my subconscious, as well as what is compelling my subconscious. The focus of this reflection is currently my morning routine. I …